Report for enabled client protocols

Exchange Server 2013Exchange Server 2016Exchange Server 2019Description

This script gathers a list of enabled users for a selected Exchange Server client protocol. The list of users is sent by email as HTML text in the email body or as an attached CSV file. You can select to gather data for a single protocol or for all protocols.

Available protocols are:

  • POP
  • IMAP
  • ActiveSync


  • Windows Server 2012 R2 or newer
  • Exchange 2016+ Management Shell
  • GlobalFunctions module (found here)


# Find users having all protocols enabled, create a CSV file per protocol and send an email with CSV attachments
.\Get-EnabledProtocolReport.ps1 -SendMail -MailFrom -MailTo -MailServer -Protocol ALL

# Find users having all protocols enabled, create a CSV file per protocol
.\Get-EnabledProtocolReport.ps1 -Protocol ALL -ExportCsv

Version History

  • 1.0, Initial community release


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